systemc-clang 2.0.0
Parsing SystemC constructs
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1from lark import Lark
3lark_grammar = Lark('''
4 start: modulelist typelist
6 modulelist: (hmodule)*
7 typelist: (htypedef)*
8 // hmodule: "hModule" ID "[" modportsiglist? (portbindinglist|processlist)* "]"
9 hmodule: "hModule" ID "[" modportsiglist? (hmodinitblock|processlist)* "]"
11 modportsiglist: "hPortsigvarlist" "NONAME" ("[" modportsigdecl+ "]" | "NOLIST")
13 ?modportsigdecl: portdecltype
14 | sigdecltype
15 | vardeclinit
16 | moddecl
17 moddecl: "hModdecl" ID "[" htypeinfo "]"
18 portdecltype: portdecl "[" htypeinfo hvarinit? "]"
19 sigdecltype: sigdecl "[" htypeinfo "]"
20 sigdecl: "hSigdecl" ID
21 ?portdecl: inportdecl | outportdecl
22 inportdecl: "hPortin" ID
23 outportdecl: "hPortout" ID
24 vardeclinit: "hVardecl" ID "[" htypeinfo (hvarinit | hvarinitint)? "]"
25 vardeclrn: "hVardeclrn" ID "[" htypeinfo hliteral "]"
26 funcparami: "hFunctionParamI" ID "[" htypeinfo (hvarinit | hvarinitint)? "]"
27 funcparamio: "hFunctionParamIO" ID "[" htypeinfo (hvarinit | hvarinitint)? "]"
28 | "hFunctionParamRef" ID "[" htypeinfo (hvarinit | hvarinitint)? "]"
29 ?hvarinit: "hVarInit" "NONAME" expression
30 | "hVarInit" "NONAME" "[" hvarinitlist "]"
31 ?hvarinitint: "hVarInit" NUM "NOLIST"
32 // can be no process at all in the module
33 processlist: "hProcesses" "NONAME" "[" (hprocess|hfunction|hthread)*"]"
34 // could be nothing
35 // temporarily ignore the hMethod node
36 hprocess: "hProcess" ID "[" "hMethod" (ID|"NONAME") "[" prevardecl hcstmt "]" "]"
38 // hthread consists of a synchronous block that sets state and a switch block that produces next state
39 // hfunction
40 hthread: "hProcess" ID "[" modportsiglist? hfunction* hthreadsync hthreadswitch "]"
41 hthreadsync: "hMethod" ID "[" ifstmt "]"
42 hthreadswitch: "hMethod" ID "[" stmts "]"
44 prevardecl: vardecl*
45 vardecl: vardeclinit | vardeclrn
47 // can be just an empty statement
48 hcstmt: "hCStmt" "NONAME" "[" stmts "]" // useful for raising variable decls
49 | "hCStmt" "NONAME" "NOLIST"
50 stmts: stmt+
51 stmt : expression_in_stmt
52 | syscwrite
53 | ifstmt
54 | forstmt
55 | hcstmt
56 | whilestmt
57 | dostmt
58 | switchstmt
59 | blkassign
60 | hnoop
61 | hreturnstmt
62 | breakstmt
63 | continuestmt
64 | hwait
65 | hslice
67 continuestmt: "hContinue" "NONAME" "NOLIST"
68 // hvarinitlist can be empty
69 hvarinitlist: "hVarInitList" "NONAME" "[" (hvarinitlist | expression)+ "]"
70 | "hVarInitList" "NONAME" "NOLIST"
71 // hvarinitlist: "hVarInitList" "NONAME" "NOLIST"
73 hwait: "hWait" "wait" "NOLIST" | "hWait" NUM ("[" hliteral "]" | "NOLIST")
75 breakstmt: "hBreak" "NONAME" "NOLIST"
77 ?htotype: htouint | htoint | htolong | htoulong | hnoop | htoi64 | htou64
79 ?htobool: ("hBuiltinFunction" "to_bool" | "hNoop" "to_bool") "[" harrayref "]"
80 htouint: "hBuiltinFunction" "to_uint" "[" (syscread|hvarref|hslice) "]"
81 htoint: "hBuiltinFunction" "to_int" "[" (syscread|hvarref|hslice) "]"
82 htolong: "hBuiltinFunction" "to_long" "[" (syscread|hvarref|hslice) "]"
83 htoulong: "hBuiltinFunction" "to_ulong" "[" (syscread|hvarref|hslice) "]"
84 hnoop: "hNoop" "NONAME" "NOLIST"
85 htoi64: "hBuiltinFunction" "to_int64" "[" (syscread|hvarref|hslice) "]"
86 htou64: "hBuiltinFunction" "to_uint64" "[" (syscread|hvarref|hslice) "]"
87 hscmin: "hBuiltinFunction" "sc_min" "[" expression expression "]"
88 hscmax: "hBuiltinFunction" "sc_max" "[" expression expression "]"
89 hlength: "hBuiltinFunction" "length" "[" (syscread|hvarref) "]"
91 hbuiltin: hscmin | hscmax | hreduceop | hlength
93 // hmodinitblock:
94 // first component is the id of the module (in parent?)
95 // second component is initialization list
96 // third component is port binding list
97 hmodinitblock: "hModinitblock" ID "[" hcstmt* portbindinglist* hsenslist*"]"
98 | "hModinitblock" ID "NOLIST"
100 // Port Bindings
101 portbindinglist: "hPortbindings" ID "[" portbinding* "]"
102 // hPortbinding u_dut [
103 // hVarref avg_out NOLIST
104 // hVarref dut_avg NOLIST
105 // ]
106 portbinding: "hPortbinding" ID "[" hvarref hvarref "]"
107 | "hPortbinding" ID "[" hbindingref hbindingref "]"
108 | "hPortbinding" ID "[" hvarref hbindingref "]"
109 | "hPortbinding" ID "[" hbindingarrayref hbindingarrayref "]"
110 | "hPortbinding" ID "[" hvarref hbindingarrayref "]"
111 // TODO: replace portbinding with succinct syntax
112 hbindingref: "hVarref" ID "[" hliteral "]"
113 // compared array ref in normal expressions
114 // we use a more restrictive form here
115 hbindingarrayref: "hBinop" "ARRAYSUBSCRIPT" "[" (hvarref|hbindingarrayref) (hliteral|hbinop) "]"
118 // This is solely for maintaining the semicolon
119 expression_in_stmt: expression
121 // while(condition) stmts
122 whilestmt: "hWhileStmt" "NONAME" "[" expression stmt "]"
124 // do stmts while(condition)
125 dostmt: "hDoStmt" "NONAME" "[" expression stmt "]"
127 // for(forinit; forcond; forpostcond) stmts
128 forstmt: "hForStmt" "NONAME" "[" forinit forcond forpostcond forbody "]"
129 forinit: "hPortsigvarlist" "NONAME" "[" vardeclinit "]"
130 | vardeclinit
131 | hnoop
132 | blkassign
133 forcond: expression
134 | hnoop
135 forpostcond: expression
136 | hnoop
137 forbody: stmt
139 switchstmt: "hSwitchStmt" "NONAME" "[" switchcond switchbody "]"
140 switchcond: expression
141 // Note: we don't make this a noraml statement as in the context of switch,
142 // we don't use general statements
143 switchbody: "hCStmt" "NONAME" "[" ((casestmt* breakstmt?)+) "]"
144 casestmt: "hSwitchCase" "NONAME" "[" casevalue (casestmt | (stmt+)) breakstmt? "]" hnoop
145 | "hSwitchCase" "NONAME" "[" casevalue hnoop "]"
146 | "hSwitchCase" "NONAME" "[" casevalue (casestmt | (stmt+)) breakstmt? "]"
147 | "hSwitchDefault" "NONAME" "[" stmt+ "]"
148 casevalue: expression
150 // Function
151 hfunction : "hFunction" ID "[" hfunctionrettype hfunctionparams? hfunctionlocalvars hfunctionbody "]"
152 hfunctionlocalvars: vardeclinit*
153 hfunctionbody: hcstmt
154 hfunctionrettype: "hFunctionRetType" "NONAME" "[" htypeinfo "]"
155 | "hFunctionRetType" "NONAME" "NOLIST" // only appears in generated statements
156 hfunctionparams : "hFunctionParams" "NONAME" "[" (funcparami|funcparamio)* "]"
157 | "hFunctionParams" "NONAME" "NOLIST"
158 hreturnstmt: "hReturnStmt" "NONAME" "[" (expression|hslice) "]"
159 | "hReturnStmt" "NONAME" "NOLIST" // return;
161 hsenslist : "hSenslist" ID "[" hsensvar* "]"
162 | "hSenslist" ID "NOLIST"
163 hsensvar : "hSensvar" "NONAME" "[" (hsensedge|expression|hvalchange) ("hNoop" | "hBuiltinFunction") npa "NOLIST" ("hNoop" npa "NOLIST")* "]"
164 | hasync
165 hasync : "hSensvar" "ASYNC" "[" expression hliteral "]"
167 hvalchange: "hNoop" "value_changed_event" "[" expression "]"
168 hsensedge : "hNoop" npa "NOLIST"
169 | "hBuiltinFunction" npa "NOLIST"
170 | "hBuiltinFunction" npa "[" expression "]"
171 !npa : "neg" | "pos" | "always" | "posedge_event" | "negedge_event"
173 // if and if-else, not handling if-elseif case
174 ifstmt: "hIfStmt" "NONAME" "[" (expression|harrayref) stmt? stmt?"]"
177 ?expression: hbinop
178 | hunop
179 | hliteral
180 | hvarref
181 | hunimp
182 | syscread
183 | hmethodcall
184 | "[" expression "]"
185 | htobool
186 | htouint
187 | htoi64
188 | htou64
189 | htoint
190 | htolong
191 | htoulong
192 | hcondop
193 | hlrotate
194 | horreduce
195 | hfieldaccess
196 | hbuiltin
198 hfieldaccess: "hFieldaccess" "NONAME" "[" (harrayref|syscread) hfieldname "]"
199 hfieldname: "hField" ID "NOLIST"
201 hlrotate : "hBuiltinFunction" "lrotate" "[" expression expression "]"
202 horreduce: "hBuiltinFunction" "or_reduce" "[" expression "]"
203 hcondop : "hCondop" "NONAME" "[" (hcondop | hslice | hliteral | hbinop | hunop | syscread | hvarref | hmethodcall) (hslice | expression | hprefix) (hslice | expression | hpostfix) "]"
205 syscread : hsigassignr "[" (expression | harrayref) "]"
206 syscwrite : hsigassignl "[" expression (expression | hfieldaccess) "]"
207 ?hsigassignr : "hSigAssignR" "read"
208 ?hsigassignl : "hSigAssignL" "write"
209 // function call
210 hvarref : "hVarref" ID "NOLIST"
211 hunimp: "hUnimpl" ID "NOLIST"
212 hbinop: "hBinop" BINOP "[" (expression|hslice|harrayref) (expression|hslice|blkassign) "]"
214 // A temporary hack to handle --
215 hunop: "hUnop" UNOP_NON_SUB "[" (expression|hslice) "]"
216 | "hUnop" UNOP_SUB "[" (expression|hslice) "]"
217 | "hUnop" UNOP_BNOT "[" (expression|hslice) "]"
218 | "hBinop" UNOP_NOT "[" (expression|hslice) "]"
219 | "hBinop" UNOP_BNOT "[" (expression|hslice) "]"
220 | hpostfix
221 | hprefix
222 | hunopdec
223 // | hreduceop
224 hpostfix: "hPostfix" (UNOP_INC | UNOP_DEC) "[" expression "]"
225 hprefix: "hPrefix" (UNOP_INC | UNOP_DEC) "[" expression "]"
226 hunopdec: "hUnop" "-" "-" "[" expression "]" // hack to work with --
228 hreduceop: "hBuiltinFunction" REDUCE_OP "[" expression "]"
229 REDUCE_OP: "and_reduce" | "or_reduce" | "xor_reduce" | "nand_reduce" | "nor_reduce" | "xnor_reduce"
231 // Separate '=' out from so that it is not an expression but a standalone statement
232 blkassign: "hBinop" "=" "[" (hconcat | hvarref | hliteral | hfieldaccess) (hbuiltin | htotype | hfieldaccess | hcomma | htobool | hunop | hvarref | hliteral | harrayref | hnsbinop | hunimp | syscread | hmethodcall | hcondop | hconcat) "]"
233 | "hBinop" "=" "[" harrayref arrayrhs "]"
234 | nblkassign
235 | vassign
236 // These assignments are only intended to be used as blocking assignments
237 // The semantics may not be straightforward in clocked block
238 hcompoundassign: "hBinop" COMPOUND_ASSIGN "[" hvarref hvarref "]"
239 ?arrayrhs: horreduce
240 | htobool
241 | htoint
242 | htouint
243 | htolong
244 | htoulong
245 | hvarref
246 | hliteral
247 | harrayref
248 | hnsbinop
249 | hunimp
250 | syscread
251 | hmethodcall
252 | hunop
253 | hliteral
254 | hcondop
255 | htoint
256 | hconcat
258 nblkassign: "hSigAssignL" "write" "[" (hliteral | hvarref | harrayref) (syscread | hliteral | harrayref | hunop | hvarref | htobool | hmethodcall | hfieldaccess) "]"
259 | "hSigAssignL" "write" "[" (hliteral | hvarref | harrayref) nonrefexp "]"
260 hconcat: ("hBinop" "concat" "[" | "hMethodCall" "NONAME" "[" "hBinop" "concat" "NOLIST") (expression|harrayref|hconcat) (expression|harrayref|hconcat) "]"
263 vassign: "hVarAssign" "NONAME" "[" hvarref (hnsbinop | syscread | hliteral | hvarref | expression | harrayref | hvarinitlist)"]"
264 // Normal expressions that can not be expanded
265 nonrefexp: hbinop
267 harrayref: "hBinop" "ARRAYSUBSCRIPT" "[" (hliteral | hvarref | syscread | harrayref) expression "]"
268 | hslice
269 hslice: "hBinop" "SLICE" "[" hvarref expression expression "]"
270 | "hBuiltinFunction" "range" "[" (hvarref | harrayref | syscread | hmethodcall ) expression expression "]"
271 | "hBuiltinFunction" "bit" "[" (hvarref | harrayref | syscread | hmethodcall) expression "]"
272 hnsbinop: "hBinop" NONSUBBINOP "[" (expression|hslice) (expression|hslice) "]"
274 // Temporary hack to handle -= / +=
275 hmodassign : "hBinop" hmodassigntype "[" hvarref (hliteral|hvarref|hbinop) "]"
276 ?hmodassigntype : haddassign | hsubassign
277 haddassign : "+" "="
278 hsubassign : "-" "="
280 // Comma op is the C++ comma where the latter part of the comma expression is returned
281 hcomma: "hBinop" "," "[" (blkassign | hunop | hmethodcall) (hunop | expression | hmethodcall) "]"
283 hmethodcall: "hMethodCall" hidorstr "[" (expression|hslice) (expression|hslice)* "]"
284 | "hMethodCall" hidorstr "NOLIST"
286 ?hidorstr: ID | STRING
287 hliteral: idlit | numlit | numlitwidth
288 idlit : "hLiteral" ID "NOLIST"
289 numlit : "hLiteral" NUM "NOLIST"
290 numlitwidth : "hLiteral" NUM "[" htypeinfo "]"
291 htypeinfo: "hTypeinfo" "NONAME" "[" htype "]"
292 | "hTypeinfo" "NONAME" "NOLIST" // ?
293 htype: htypearray
294 | "hType" TYPESTR "NOLIST"
295 | "hType" TYPESTR "[" (htype|htypeint)+ "]" // nested types, type parameters
296 hdeptype: "hType" "typename" TYPESTR "NOLIST"
297 htypearray : "hType" "array" arraydimlength "[" (htype|htypeint)+ "]"
298 arraydimlength: "##" NUM
299 | "##" NUM arraydimlength
300 htypeint: "hLiteral" NUM "NOLIST" // integer type parameters
301 htypedef: "hTypedef" TYPESTR "[" htypefields "]"
303 htypefields: htypefield*
304 htypefield: "hTypeField" ID "[" (htype|hdeptype) "]"
306 ID: /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9#]*/
307 NUM: /(\+|\-)?[0-9]+/
308 TYPESTR: /[a-zA-Z_]([a-zA-Z_0-9]|::)*/
310 NONSUBBINOP: "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "==" | "<<" | ">>" | "&&" | "||" | "|" | ">=" | ">" | ARITHOP | "<=" | "<" | "%" | "!=" | "&" | "@="
311 ARITHOP: "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "^"
312 UNOP_NON_SUB: "!" | "++" | "-" | "+"
313 UNOP_SUB: "-"
314 UNOP_DEC: "--"
315 UNOP_INC: "++"
316 // These are temporary nodes that should be removed when hBinop is fixed
317 UNOP_BOR: "|"
318 UNOP_NOT: "!"
319 UNOP_BNOT: "~"
320 //
321 COMPOUND_ASSIGN: "*=" | "+=" | "-=" | "/=" | "%=" | "|=" | "&=" | "^=" | "<<=" | ">>="
322 %import common.WS
323 %ignore WS
324 %import common.ESCAPED_STRING -> STRING
325 ''', parser='lalr', debug=True, propagate_positions=True)
329 """raised when a hcode node is not as expected"""
330 pass